Piano playing cat takes centre stage

Personally, I blame Lady of the House.

As if we hadn’t had enough stress with the bird siege, the other night, the Council vans came round with Cat Hoovers. They drive along the road making an awful noise, sucking up stray cats from the gutter. Naturally, we were all pretty scared but Harvey was petrified, ran into the bedroom and hid under the covers.

Lady of the House was Brucing it on Youtube. After twenty seven discordant choruses of ‘have you ever seen a one legged dog?’ (Of course not, it would fall over) she finally went to powder her nose.

Harvey sneaked onto the computer and typed in ‘Nora’ which was a strange choice but luckily came up with a cat. I say luckily but actually, it’s a complete catcophony. The keyboard kitty is meant to be catuoso but I think she’s a fur ball. Most cats play piano and Cat Lee Whiskers Lewis, Lick Wakeman and ‘Four paws’ Peterson are all much better.

Harvey sits glued to the screen dribbling down his chin. How to unglue him without damaging the screen is the question. He knocked over the glue pot jumping up. I’d look up solvents but the mouse has gone into hiding. No good ever came of Brucing it.